The Tepeneu family

Always together, for better or worse...

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Welcome to our family website!


   Those of you who live far away from your family and friends will probably better understand the need for a place in this virtual world where we can post pictures, news and various information about us. Based on this need, the current website was born.

   The declared purpose of these pages is to promote our family. Since most of our friends can speak either English or Romanian (or both), the rest of the web pages will be edited in these two languages.

   We hope that you'll enjoy this website and will come back soon.


Dorin, 07/14/2009

Bine ati venit pe site-ul familiei noastre!


   Cei care locuiesc departe de familie si prieteni inteleg probabil cel mai bine nevoia de a avea un loc in spatiul virtual unde sa putem pune poze, noutati si informatii despre noi. Din aceasta nevoie a luat nastere prezentul website.

   Scopul declarat al acestor pagini este de promovare a familiei noastre. Deoarece majoritatea prietenilor nostrii sunt vorbitori de engleza sau romana (sau chiar amandoua), restul paginilor vor fi editate in aceste doua limbi.

   Speram sa va placa acest website si sa reveniti in curand.


Dorin, 07/14/2009